المصدر: Nasdaq GlobeNewswire / 01 فبراير 2023 12:12:51   America/Chicago



    Paris – February 1st, 2023

    Klépierre, the European leader in shopping malls, today unveiled its new CSR strategy, Act4Good, featuring even more ambitious objectives and an expanded scope with new challenges. Developed with a committee of independent experts, Act4Good™ is focused on four pillars designed to help Klépierre build the most sustainable platform for commerce by 2030.

    In 2018, Klépierre launched a five-year CSR plan based on 32 concrete objectives to act for the planet, act for territories and act for people. The results to date have exceeded expectations, with the Group achieving the plan’s objectives at an average rate of 99.8%. In particular, Klépierre has reduced the energy intensity of its portfolio by more than 40% and cut down its direct and indirect greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by more than 80% since 2013.

    With its new Act4Good strategy, Klépierre now intends to go a step further by building the most sustainable platform for commerce, thereby cementing its position as the sector’s CSR leader.
    The strategy is based on four pillars:

    • Act for the climate by achieving net zero by 2030;
    • Act to service communities and territories around its shopping centers; 
    • Act as a skills developer for its employees, partners and visitors; and
    • Act to promote sustainable lifestyles for its entire ecosystem – customers, retailers, employees, partners and citizens.

    “Klépierre has long been committed to CSR issues, rising to the rank of sector leader in the area. This status is a great source of pride, but it comes with great responsibility. Being a leader means daring to challenge the very foundations of our business, to reduce its footprint and improve its impact on the world around us,” said Jean-Marc Jestin, Chairman of Klépierre’s Executive Board. “Sustainable commerce first and foremost means operating low-carbon retail spaces that fully contribute to combating climate change. It also means offering places that genuinely service the community, where people can meet and come together. It means helping to develop the skills of those around us who visit our centers. And it means being at the forefront of change, by encouraging more sustainable lifestyles.”


    Achieving net zero
    Impact objective: a net zero carbon portfolio

    • Reach an average portfolio energy efficiency of 70 kWh/sq.m 
    • Measure our tenants’ private energy consumption in our shopping centers and support them in achieving a 20% reduction in their energy consumption 
    • Install renewable energy production units at our assets to reach up to 30% of self-consumption for our Top-40 shopping centers 
    • Engage our visitors with the aim of achieving a 40% decrease in greenhouse gas emissions related to their transportation 
    • Enhance all waste with a strong focus on recovering materials (50% recycling/reuse, 100% food waste composted/digested) 
    • Ensure all our new development/refurbishment projects include low-carbon solutions and support our tenants in creating low-carbon shops (structural works and fit-outs) 
    • Commit to net-zero land use for all shopping center development projects 
    • Obtain operational sustainability certification for all our shopping centers 

    Servicing communities
    Impact objective: 100% of our assets servicing communities

    • Set up a long-term “Giving Back” project per center with a high impact for local communities 
    • Offer green services to visitors in all our shopping centers (recycling/repair stations, clothes collection points, etc.) 
    • Make all our shopping centers compliant with a set of internal inclusion standards 
    • Ensure that one shopping center per territory is equipped with a disaster relief plan for local communities

    Growing people
    Impact objective: 50,000 people developed across Europe

    • Upskill our employees in CSR, every year 
    • Create Klépierre Academies offering programs to upskill stakeholders and improve their employability in our Top-50 malls 
    • Reach 40% of women in Top Management and the Top-100 managers, aiming for equal pay
    • Include an inclusion clause in all our service providers’ contracts (concerning the employment of people with disabilities, in long-term unemployment or from deprived neighborhoods)
    • Engage all employees in sponsorship programs to support and develop local communities 
    • Protect people’s physical and mental health by enabling access to preventive programs in all our workplaces and local communities 
    • Systematically include at least one CSR criterion in the performance appraisals of our employees 

    Promoting sustainable lifestyles
    Impact objective: 50 million consumers guided toward sustainable lifestyles

    • Promote sustainable commerce across all of our shopping centers by showcasing the responsible products/services of our retailers and by assessing the CSR engagement of our tenants before signing leases 
    • Dedicate one specific unit to new local, responsible concepts in our Top-50 shopping centers 
    • Raise our visitors’ awareness of sustainable lifestyles through responsible events (at least 3 events/year) 
    • Organize a biennial contest to support and promote three players committed to the low-carbon transition (one retailer, one service provider and one technical solution provider)


    To define its new CSR strategy, Klépierre set up a scientific committee of nine leading figures, who worked closely with the Group for a full year to help draw up the 2030 plan. The committee comprised:

    • Michael Shuman, attorney, economist, professor at Bard Business School, consultant at Council Fire and author (The Main Street Journal), specializing in the development of local economies;
    • Jean Jouzel, climatologist, researcher, former Vice-Chair of the IPCC and special advisor to the French government;
    • Nathalie Damery, co-founder of ObSoCo;
    • Cédric Borel, Head of Action for Market Transformation (A4MT), Chair of Construction21 France and former head of the French Institute for Building Performance (IFPEB);
    • Elisabeth Laville, founder and Chief Entrepreneur at Utopies;
    • Ludovic Poutrain, founder and Chief Executive Officer of Imago Accompagnement and former head of human resources at Nhood and Kiabi;
    • Sonia Lavadinho, speaker, consultant, business coach and Founding Director of Bfluid prospective research;
    • Gilbert Rochecouste, founder and Managing Director of Village Well; and
    • Eva Hinkers, Chair of the Europe region and member of the Management Board of Arup.

    “We wanted to surround ourselves with experts recognized in their field. Thanks to these discussions and with the help of all our employees – who are the ones that will bring Act4Good™ to life on the ground – we have developed an ambitious and realistic roadmap. We are very proud of this new page in our history, which we will write with our entire ecosystem, said Clémentine Pacitti, Head of CSR for the Klépierre Group. 

    Learn more in our full press kit: https://www.klepierre.com/en/nos-engagements

    Paul Logerot, Group Head of Investor Relations
    and Financial Communication
    +33 (0)7 50 66 05 63 — paul.logerot@klepierre.com

    Hélène Salmon, Group Head of Corporate
    and Internal Communications
    +33 (0)1 40 67 55 16 — helene.salmon@klepierre.com
    Wandrille Clermontel, Taddeo
    +33 (0)6 33 05 48 50 — teamklepierre@taddeo.fr


    Klépierre is the European leader in shopping malls, combining property development and asset management skills. The Company’s portfolio is valued at €20.6 billion at June 30, 2022, and comprises large shopping centers in more than 10 countries in Continental Europe which together host hundreds of millions of visitors per year. Klépierre holds a controlling stake in Steen & Strøm (56.1%), Scandinavia’s number one shopping center owner and manager. Klépierre is a French REIT (SIIC) listed on Euronext Paris and is included in the CAC Next 20 and EPRA Euro Zone Indexes. It is also included in sustainability indexes, such as CAC SBT 1.5, MSCI Europe ESG Leaders, FTSE4Good, Euronext Vigeo Europe 120, and features in CDP’s “A-list”. These distinctions underscore the Group’s commitment to a proactive sustainable development policy and its global leadership in the fight against climate change.
    For more information, please visit the newsroom on our website: www.klepierre.com 
    This press release is available on the Klépierre website: www.klepierre.com


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